Monday, 29 July 2019

Beautiful Irish Chain with Stars quilt made by Val

Purple Star quilt made by Val, quilted by Frances Meredith
Purple Star quilt made by Val, quilted by Frances Meredith
This beautiful quilt has been made by Val for a family member, living abroad.  She made a lovely choice of fabrics, which made the stars shine in their Irish chain setting - what a delightful gift to receive.  Val is a very talented quilter, but this is the first quilt she has had professionally longarm quilted.  She was so delighted, she said she will be back for more.   
Purple Star quilt made by Val, quilted by Frances Meredith
Purple Star quilt made by Val, quilted by Frances Meredith
When you are sending off a quilt to someone you love, somehow a heart quilting pattern seems the most appropriate, and Val went with the ever populr 'Ginger Hearts' pantograph.  This pattern always comes out beautifully and always has a lovely result.
'Ginger Hearts' designed by Apricot Moon
'Ginger Hearts' designed by Apricot Moon

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Festival of Quilts, NEC Birmingham 2019 - Choosing a Longarm Quilter?

So you have finished you quilt top. What next? How to quilt it?  Sometimes when piecing is our favourite part of the quilt making process and we have taken many hours over it, it can be intimidating to know how to quilt it. If you are a loss of what to do, a longarm quilter may be able to help out.  But how do you know which longarm quilting services to choose?

This week at the Festival of Quilts there is a great opportunity to see a wide selection of longarm quilted quilts in the Two Person Category (J), which this year is located in the hall to the far left of the main entrance, next to the Quick and Easy Workshops.  Take a look at the different styles and skills and you will probably have a personal preference for the style which you would prefer on your quilt.

I am pleased to say that a few of my talented customers have entered their quilts in the Two Person Category this year, so do go and have look

JO19 "Stonefields" by Jenny Otto and Frances Meredith

JO43 "Jody's Birthday Quilt" by Natalie Taylor and Frances Meredith

JO53  "Birds of a Feather block together" by Barbara Gillespie and Frances Meredith

And if you want to see what I have been up to  (and how I quilt my own quilts), you can see my entry in the Traditional Quilt section

FO66 "Jane's Pinwheel" by Frances Meredith

I pre-ordered my Festival of Quilts Official Show Guide and Competition Catalogue, so I am spending the weekend, planning what I need to see. I will be up there for a few days, so if you see me, say 'hello' !

#festivalofquilts #foq2019 #festivalofquilts2019

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Liberty Tana Lawn Quilt, made by Sue, quilted by Fabadashery Longarm Quilting

 Liberty Quilt made by Sue, quilted by Fabadashery Longarm Quiltin
Liberty Quilt made by Sue, quilted by Fabadashery Longarm Quilting
Here's a lovely, light, summer quilt made by Sue. It is made from Liberty Tana lawn fabric and to quilt it just a light quilting pattern, Dragon Wings. What a delightful little quilt.
'Dragon Wings' quilting pattern by Apricot Moon

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Australian Quilt made by Sheila, featuring Kangaroos

Australian Quilt made by Sheila
Australian Quilt made by Sheila
Over the years I have longarm quilted several quilts which have had a travel theme, often using fabrics which were purchased on a special holiday abroad. This quilt has been made by Sheila using fabric with an Aboriginal / Australian theme - she has even managed to design a map of Australia as one of the blocks!
Kangaroo Hop quilting pattern designed by Jessica Schick
Kangaroo Hop quilting pattern designed by Jessica Schick
With such a busy quilt top, the quilting pattern is going to struggle to be seen, but this is where the backing fabric can play a key role.  To keep with the theme I hunted out some Australian themed digital quilting patterns and one of the best was this one 'Kangaroo Hop', designed by Jessica Schick, which features  kangaroos hopping all over the quilt - perfect.
Kangaroo Hop quilting pattern designed by Jessica Schick
Kangaroo Hop quilting pattern designed by Jessica Schick