Monday 23 May 2016

You don't just have to use a longarm quilting maching for big quilts

Custom quilting - Doll quilt
I have recently used my APQS long arm quilting machine to custom quilt this little doll quilt.  It is only about 19" x 12", but it was a reminder that it is not just big quilts that have to go on a long arm quilting machine.
Project Linus Quilts by Frances Meredith

You can just about see here that I have three quilts on this single piece of purple Cuddlesoft fabric.  At the time I knew I was going to have about 16" spare, which was unlikely to be used for anything else.  I quickly made up these two small quilts and with a few extra lines of quilting they were ready to head off to our local Project Linus charity group.
Multiple quilts, quilted at one time
So if you, or a group of you, have several similar small quilts, like the diagram above, they can be lined up on a single piece of backing fabric and wadding across the whole width of the quilting machine and all three could be stitched with the same pantograph pattern at the same time, saving your time and probably saving your quilting costs.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Malvern Quilt Show 2016 -

BQ07 Allietare Mystery Quilt Frances Meredith Fabadashery
BQ07 Allietare Mystery Quilt
If you are visiting the 2016 Quilts UK Show at Malvern, do go and have a look at my quilts.  These are quilts I have both made and quilted.  Firstly, BQ07 is the 2015 Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt I made, Allietare.  As a Mystery quilt I had no idea how it was going to turn out in the end, but it is a great quilt and it is sure to get a lot of use in the future.
LW05 Colourwave Quilt by Frances Meredith Fabadashery
LW05 Colourwave Quilt
Secondly, LW05 is my Colourwave quilt which is in the Large Wall Hanging category.  If you put on your white gloves and look at the back, you will see how the variegated thread worked really well with the digital 'Kiss' pattern I used.

Finally, as a member of the Wye Knots quilt group in Monmouth, I also contributed to this charity quilt.  It is a stack and whack quilt and I contributed one of the blocks and did the quilting.  I haven't seen it finished yet, so I am looking forward to seeing it in all its glory soon.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Project Linus Quilt #2

Chicken Quilt, made by Ruth for Project Linus
Chicken Quilt, made by Ruth for Project Linus
Here is another quilt made by Ruth for Project Linus.  Ruth had 'free range' of the donated fabric and managed to pull out all the chicken and egg themed charm squares to make this cute farm quilt.

Chicken Wire pantograph pattern
Chicken Wire pantograph pattern
We used the Chicken Wire pantograph again on this one.  I would class this as a 'novelty' pattern.  I love a novelty pattern!

Chicken Wire Pantograph by JoAnn Hoffman
Chicken Wire Pantograph by JoAnn Hoffman