Laurraine's Shirt Quilt' quilted at Fabadashery Longarm Quilting |
Has the Make Do and Mend bug got you yet? Laurraine has made this stunning quilt using men's shirts. The quality of shirt fabric is usually very good, so once the shirt is washed and stripped down for sewing, you often have a lovely soft fabrics, which in turn make a lovely soft quilt. In shirt quilts often simple designs are work best to maximise the odd shapes of the bits of fabric. There are also lots of stripes and checks to consider. To keep the simplicity we used the ever popular 'Popcorn' quilting pattern.
'Popcorn' quilting Pattern by Willow Leaf Studio |
Also, these quilts are also a testament to a working life. However, the lockdown has seen a significant drop in the sales of men's shirts as there are very few occasions to wear one these days. Will the smart shirt and tie ever return? Will these quilts be the last remaining evidence of men's workwear? Who knows? Sometimes our quilts may be more important than we will ever know.
'Popcorn' quilting Pattern by Willow Leaf Studio |